
Mould-making industry is Closely related to industrial manufacturing

Industrial base of all mould, if not mould industry support, the car into millions of Chinese families is an impossible dream.A country Industry to revive is inseparable from the advanced manufacturing technology,and the mould will undoubtedly be ranked in the top of advanced manufacturing technology. Therefore, the level of mould technology has become an important indicator of the level to measure a country's manufacturing sector . Manufactured in China to realize the dream of power, must first Mould.

The heart of generators from the car to the car body of the cylinder casting stamping parts, new materials, super-hot steel forming die, to the domestic auto core components, you need to mold driven. Can be said that the vehicle is equipped automobile mold equipment is an important component.

In addition, in the appliance industry, the importance of home appliances mold industry is also increasingly apparent. Such as the manufacture of a refrigerator need to pay 150 to 200 molds, an air conditioner needs to pay about 50 mold, a washing machine need to pay about 60 mold, a lot of small appliances Haier ... ... only one year to pay the 6000 purchase amount to up to 5 or so molds million.

Haier mold, there is a place is not open to the general, which is the product design center. He said Haier's products to market quickly is the key to mold the company and the Haier Haier product design and development to achieve the integration, which for the Haier advance speed of the company's new products provide a valuable time.

These are just people's livelihood, in fact, related to national strategic security in the aerospace industry mold is also a crucial role to play.

Now the field of aviation manufacturing lightweight made more requests. How to meet this demand, it must be in sheet metal and aircraft interior equipment to do their homework.

Has sent the aircraft catering trolley, in the past has been a board composed of plastic mould can now study the feasibility of alternatives, which molds made of plastic materials and new requirements. Such as the plastic must be strength, flame retardant, anti-smoke, easy to heat and so on. According to incomplete statistics, an aircraft interiors only 200 sets of molds to mold parts value of up to 1 million. Now China Mould Industry Association is organizing the enterprises for aircraft interior parts of the material selection, product mix analysis and design, mold design and manufacture of complete and final product assembly technology research and development, sets of aircraft interior parts of the industrial application of technology.

Since the products of high precision die forming, consistency, appearance, has been increasingly used in aircraft, ships and high-speed trains and other equipment of the structure and interior parts manufacturing. Coupled with the production process can achieve high efficiency, high-volume and and materials, energy saving, so the mold was often hailed as the mother of modern industrial production.

For mold R & D in the electronic information industry in the important role of military art of war is entirely possible that from 2009 the State Council on "equipment manufacturing restructuring and revitalization plan" mentioned in "to electronic devices such as instruments and focus on the mold, and promote autonomy of electronic information equipment, "see it.


Plastic Mould Care And Maintenance

Plastic Mould Care And Maintenance

* Mould used long time must be grinding blade, blade surface must be carried out after grinding blade, not with a magnetic, otherwise prone to sealing.

* Spring and other elastic parts in the Use of the process easily damaged, Fracture and deformation usually appears. Approach is to replace, in the replacement process should pay attention to spring specifications and models, specifications and models by spring color, diameter and length of 3 indicators to confirm, that only three are in the same circumstances can change.

* Used in the mold process, prone to break, bend, and the phenomenon of bite, red caps are generally biting bad. prone and red caps of damage, usually with the same specifications for replacement parts. Punch the work of some of the main parameters of size, install part of the size, length size.

* Fastening parts, check all fasteners are loose, damaged phenomenon, the approach is to find the replacement parts the same size.

* Binder components such as the pressure plate, with plastic and so on, unloading parts such as off plate, air roof materials. Check all parts and maintenance parts for relations and for damage, repair the damaged parts, check for air leakage phenomenon of the top material, and to take measures to specific circumstances. Be replaced if damaged trachea.

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